Friday, October 3, 2014

Sister Sister

I don't have any sisters.

This was a fact that took me a loooong time to process and accept (I always hoped that my parents would try and get me one, but I gave up on that at around age 10).. I really needed a sister, especially in my late teenage years and early twenties. I think that was a period in my life when I could really have used a sister. I would look at the sister relationships that my friends had and feel like I was missing out on a lot.

I have a spare bed in my bedroom. i would always imagine that was my sisters bed. In my mind, my sister was older, because that's what I needed at the moment. There's days i'd come home after having a very good day, and imagine how we would probably just sit in our room and talk and laugh and giggle about it. Talk about boys, our crushes, our love lives. I imagine we would fight - about clothes, about nothing (those would be hormone initiated fights,  you know, PMS). I imagine that she would be my pillow. That on those bad days, she is the one I would cry on, instead of my pillow.

She would be a kick ass sister.

But I didn't get her. And I probably never will. But what I got in exchange is infinitely better. God knew exactly what I needed and rallied a bunch of ladies into my life who when put together, form the perfect sister.

Today, I choose to celebrate my friends. My friends who have become like my family. My friends who are my sisters. These people have laughed with me, cried with me, prayed with me, been silly with me. Some of us go way back, some of us were brought together by chance and circumstance. I celebrate each and every one of you. You are the family I got to choose, and I think I made some pretty good choices.

Too often, we take people for granted. Especially the people who are always around, no questions asked. But these people are my lifeline. They will remember the most mundane things concerning my life, and they will remember the most important things. They will ask all the hard questions, cause me to think and challenge myself and they also still accept me as I am, flaws and all. I am blessed to count each of you as part of my life. They are also the most avid readers of this my blog - which I am convinced is just read my me and them :-D

I may not know what it means or how it feels to have a sister, but I think I got an amazing deal.

And also, to my new baby sister - I can't wait to get to know you. And since I know you don't have a sister either, I hope that I can be the sister you always hoped to have. :-)

Love & Light

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