Friday, July 31, 2015

WhatchuDoin?? July Edition

A few bloggers I know do often do this post called taking stock... And I honestly quite like it (when I read other people's) it's like a nice movie trailer - giving you just enough info about eeeeeverything that's going on. I figured it would be cool for me to do it as well, only I changed what I call it :)

So without much further ado, let's get to it!

Making: My first "WhatchuDoin??" post :) .. Most other Bloggers call this "Taking Stock", I call it WhatchuDoin because I can :)

Eating: Barvita biscuits.. they are sooo good guys! Sugar free too :)

Drinking: Black Coffee from my travel mug.. I honestly have no idea why I take hot beverages from my travel mug when I'm in the house, and I never leave the house with it... Yes, I'm also that chic who drinks cold beverages in tea mugs!

Reading: "Love & Respect - The love she most desires, the respect he desperately needs" .. Guise, this book is AMAZING! Got it as a birthday gift from Mr. O and haven't been able to put it down since.

Wanting: Chocolate... Soooo bad.. I haven't had chocolate in 6 weeks, and probably wont have any for the next year... But today, I've just been missing it bad!

Playing: 2048 - trying to get to 4096 :)

Wishing: That it was December already. It's been such an interestingly weird year... Not all bad, not all great - I'm just excited about the possibilities that this second half has, and December will be great!

Enjoying: My sugar free life a lot more than I ever thought I would - considering I was the biggest sweet tooth I knew.. Been 100% of sugar (and anything containing sugar - I didn't even have cake on my birthday for the first time ever!!) for 6 weeks now and I love it :)

Liking: Mr. O... I really like this guy. He's so cool :)

Loving: This Maybelline lippie I bought myself for my birthday... Glorious! And only KES 850 too :)

Hoping: For a little (ok, big) miracle in the near future

Needing: A pedicure. So bad. It's been too long.

Smelling: My body splash... #FeelinMyself

Wearing: This beautiful shade of red nail polish on my nails.. Love love love it! I should actually probably do a nail polish haul

Following: itsjudyslife Vlogs... A.D.D.I.C.T.E.D ... Those baby bears are so darn cute :) Speaking of - would any of you ever do Vlogs? I'm not sure I ever would.. I think the closest I would ever get to vlogging is snapchat (awino_snaps - follow me!! #ShamelessSelfPromotion)

Noticing: The changes in my body, and absolutely loving them!! (I will  be talking about this in next week's post, so enter your email up there and get it while it's hot! It's going to be a good one :) #ShamelessSelfPromotion) Also, I use waaay too many emoticons when I write!

Knowing: I have the most amazing girlfriends in the world! Furrealz! =D>

Thinking: About how I need to go for a movie.. Like to the cinema... Think the last I did that was my birthday 2 or 3 years ago

Feeling: Rather Optimistic!

Opening: Another pack of Barvita's :)

Happy August y'all!! 
Love & Light

Monday, July 27, 2015

Being Awino :)

The only constant in life is change

Change is good. Seriously. I promise :)

When I started writing, it was mostly to share an experience that shaped me, and share my lessons with people as I got through it myself.

But I have honestly been feeling over it. And it's been getting harder and harder to write. For the past few months I was even considering shutting down the blog altogether. (Also, writers sometimes run out of things to say - for reals! Aaaand, having to be deep all the time gets exhausting :-D)

However, a few days ago, one of my friends asked a very interesting question in a group forum we have - if you had the opportunity to go back in time or into the future, what would you choose?

And therein, I got my answer

So earlier this year, I did a program at my church called Mizizi. This proved to be the final step I needed to get myself to where I needed to be. At the end of the program, a couple of us were asked to do video interviews about our stories to be used to encourage other people to do the program. I didn't expect that I would have to go in real detail about my story, but I was asked to in the middle of the interview and I decided to do it. As that video played over and over and over at church, it dawned on me that I'm past it.

Back to the question my friend asked - I would do neither. Every experience in the past has shaped me to who I am, and I LOVE who I am. And as for the future- well, what I am doing right now is great. And what I am doing now will build to that. So I am also in love with who I am becoming!

I am simply enjoying being me. Being Awino.

And so that is the new direction the blog will be taking. My day to day - right from the days when I have amazing deepness to share, to my more quirky silly days. My style, my cooking, my friends, my love, what I'm reading, where I'm going - all of it!

My writing was more private before. Private in the sense that I never "put it out there". I just shared it with a few of my friends, and they did most of the visiting and telling. I was never confident talking about my story, part of me felt ashamed so it was hard to openly speak about it. But now, I feel like I am over that.

I write. It is the best way I express myself. And it is something I would love to share with the world. I really don't feel like I want or need to be anonymous anymore

So welcome to my world, share in my experiences. Talk to me and I will talk to you :)

Also, wish me a happy birthday - it's my birthday yo!!

Love & Light