I believe in timing. Mostly because I have seen it's effect in my life in lots of ways. I believe there is such a thing as the right thing at the wrong time, the wrong thing at the right time, the right thing at the right time and the wrong thing at the wrong time. You catch my drift.
The race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but time and chance happen to them all.
Time and Chance.
I have this one particular person in my life whom time and chance seem to be our worst enemies. And an eventful weekend inspired this post.
I don't believe in love at first sight, but if I did, it would probably look a lot like what happened with us. He's been in my life a loooong time. Long before even he who came and stayed 4 years and left. I've known him about seven years now. But timing. Timing refused.
This guy is honestly one of my best friends, granted our friendship has been on and off through the years because of this timing thing. I could go without speaking to him for two years, and when we meet it will just pick up where it left off. Like an entire book could be written about our story, seriously. But timing.
There always seems to be something in the way. Either I'm with someone, or he's with someone, or we loose touch (most often than not because other people are involved). The last time we lost touch was when my previous relationship got pretty serious and more so when I got engaged. Then it ended and I was to involved with fixing myself to reach out. Then somehow, someway, our paths crossed again. And I thought, maybe, just maybe, this time the stars have aligned in our favor. Or not. It doesn't help that we look, and feel, right together. Like if we were to be in a relationship, it would probably be to get engaged and get married. He's not the kind of person that I would need to figure out if I can spend a life with, I already know. Same applies on his end. I mean, if we haven't figured that out over the past 7/8 years, ummmm....
But I am at a point in my life where I am completely averse to drama. I can not deal with it anymore, because life should not have to be that complicated. Yet sometimes it just is. My friend was just telling me that my life is like a soap opera - like the things that happen to me only happen to people in movies and series... And it doesn't feel that way sometimes. Either that or I make really poor decisions. But hey, it makes for entertaining reading :-D
It's easy to underestimate how important a good thing at the right time is. It could make the difference between life and death. I know about 3 couples who never worked out, not because they were't right for each other, but because they weren't right for each other right now. It's crazy, I remember on of the ladies telling me how maybe if they'd waited another two years, it would have worked. One of those couples re-connected after about 4 years and are doing great. Timing.
But the events surrounding this particular person just got me thinking - we may think we would be great together, but is the constant bad timing the universe or God's way of telling us otherwise?
It's just frustrating. There's no deep lesson here... just me ranting :-)