Tuesday, September 9, 2014


Writers block is real.

I am in this place where I feel like I have a lot of things to say, I just don't know how to say them. I have started and stopped about 5 different posts over the last 3-4 days.. I have figured, better quit while I am ahead.

On the bright side, what that means is soon I will just unleash like 5 different posts like that hehehe :-)

I  guess there's just been A LOT  going on, most of which I am still trying to wrap my mind around. And I have very suddenly found myself in a place where some very important decisions need to be made, and they need to be made fast. Life can take a 360 degree turn on you in just one day. But I like the changes coming my way, and I'm sure I shall be able to share them soon. I think the problem is that my life is a buzz  with amazing news, to the extent that nothing else feels as important as that right now. And I don't feel like talking about anything else other than that right now. But it's also not yet 100% the time for me to talk about it just yet. Sigh.

I figure sometimes people can get onto here expecting something super deep... eeeh.. not today. I know sometimes I can be soooo deep, but sometimes I just like to rumble.. Small talk.. And luckily for me, not many people read this my little collection of thoughts tooo often ;-)

Basically, I'm just here to say that I am still alive. I have not drowned.

My deep self shall be back soon :-)

In the meantime - this is my jam for the past two weeks, enjoy :-)

Love & Light,

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