Monday, May 4, 2015


After an almost 3 month hiatus - I am back :-)

Now, those who know me well know that I have this (terrible) tendency to hibernate and disappear when I have things going on that I have no idea how to tackle or handle, or even what to do. My contract at work wasn't renewed at the end of March due to lack of funding (I worked for an NGO). I knew this was going happen from the end of February and had hoped that something would open up by that time but that wasn't the case.

So here I am now - unemployed for one month and four days now.

During this period, I have come to the realization that I really like to be in control of the things that happen in my life. I don't like not being in control or not knowing what is happening or is going to happen. It sucks. Yet a part of me feels like I keep being thrown in these situations because God needs me to learn how to trust Him and I probably haven't fully learned how to do that yet.

Image result for FULLY RELY ON gODIn many ways, this should be a depressing period for me. It usually is for most people. And I have definitely had my depressing moments over the past 3 months. I will not lie, I have had my days when I have been really down, I have thought and thought till I could think no more, I have felt like everything is falling apart. I have been there. But now, having come to the end of one month and having passed pay day without receiving a salary, I smile.

I smile because if there is one thing I have learned beyond any doubt is this - God is my sustenance, God is my provider, God is my source. Being off a salary, even if for a short period of time, has really given me perspective. God provides. He does it in many ways and sometimes, a salary is just one of those ways. But we often get so tangled up in that, believing that we provide for ourselves simply because we go to work everyday and get paid for that. But with or without a salary, God takes care of me. And God will take care of you. It doesn't matter how he chooses to do it, He will ultimately do it.

Secondly, I have never felt as much part of a team as I do currently. Mr. O and I are a team. And if there is one thing I know beyond doubt, we are in this together. He has really had my back over the past three months. We've thought together, planned, changed plans, prayed, hoped, trusted.... We have all round really bonded on a whole new level as a result of this experience. This is another thing I am grateful for. I am grateful to have shared this experience and learned the lessons we've learned through this BEFORE getting married. I consider this a privilege. And in the entire time we have been together, there has really been no experience as sweet as learning to trust God and wait on him together, as a unit.

Whatever situation you find yourself with, allow God to show himself strong for you. Allow him to perform that miracle for you. Cultivate an attitude of gratitude. Whatever situation you find yourself in - good or bad - learn to always be grateful. Because wherever God plants you, he wants you to learn, grow and thrive so that he can propel you to your next assignment. So thank Him. Every single day. There is absolutely nothing that happens in your life that catches God by surprise, but even more importantly, there is nothing that happens in your life that you and He cant handle together.

F.R.O.G - He's got you :-)

       Image result for FULLY RELY ON gOD