Monday, July 27, 2015

Being Awino :)

The only constant in life is change

Change is good. Seriously. I promise :)

When I started writing, it was mostly to share an experience that shaped me, and share my lessons with people as I got through it myself.

But I have honestly been feeling over it. And it's been getting harder and harder to write. For the past few months I was even considering shutting down the blog altogether. (Also, writers sometimes run out of things to say - for reals! Aaaand, having to be deep all the time gets exhausting :-D)

However, a few days ago, one of my friends asked a very interesting question in a group forum we have - if you had the opportunity to go back in time or into the future, what would you choose?

And therein, I got my answer

So earlier this year, I did a program at my church called Mizizi. This proved to be the final step I needed to get myself to where I needed to be. At the end of the program, a couple of us were asked to do video interviews about our stories to be used to encourage other people to do the program. I didn't expect that I would have to go in real detail about my story, but I was asked to in the middle of the interview and I decided to do it. As that video played over and over and over at church, it dawned on me that I'm past it.

Back to the question my friend asked - I would do neither. Every experience in the past has shaped me to who I am, and I LOVE who I am. And as for the future- well, what I am doing right now is great. And what I am doing now will build to that. So I am also in love with who I am becoming!

I am simply enjoying being me. Being Awino.

And so that is the new direction the blog will be taking. My day to day - right from the days when I have amazing deepness to share, to my more quirky silly days. My style, my cooking, my friends, my love, what I'm reading, where I'm going - all of it!

My writing was more private before. Private in the sense that I never "put it out there". I just shared it with a few of my friends, and they did most of the visiting and telling. I was never confident talking about my story, part of me felt ashamed so it was hard to openly speak about it. But now, I feel like I am over that.

I write. It is the best way I express myself. And it is something I would love to share with the world. I really don't feel like I want or need to be anonymous anymore

So welcome to my world, share in my experiences. Talk to me and I will talk to you :)

Also, wish me a happy birthday - it's my birthday yo!!

Love & Light


  1. Did you say it's no longer private?... Let the sharing begin!! Happy birthday Steph.

  2. Scoped through your Blog! I just like! Very true about the writer's block, and other unforseen blocks!
